Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Faux Shaved Side Hair Tutorial

What you will need:
♥ Small Hair Bands
♥ Backcombing brush
♥ Hair Straighteners/Curling tongs (if you want to add curls)

Step One:
Brush through all of your hair to ensure knot free hair before styling. Create a slight side parting, so just off from a centre parting. The side with the most hair on will be left and styled later on in this tutorial.
Step Two:
So the remaining side will be the side we are going to braid to create that faux shaven side look. We’re going to do 3 little french braid starting from the top of your parting and finishing just above your ear. To ensure your 3 sections are equal you can use the tail end of your back comb brush or simply use your fingers to separate your hair into 3.
Step Three:
Now to begin braiding. This can be a little fiddly but once you get going it becomes so much easier. I like to start braiding from the top right across the line of my parting. French braid the section to the back of your hair and secure in place with a small hair band. Next move on to the second section and repeat, and the same with the third section.
Step Four:
So now we’re going to return to the other side and tend to the hair. We’re going to backcomb this for added volume and texture. Be sure to backcomb from the top and work your way down your head for ultimate volume.
Step Five:
This step can be totally up to you if you want to make use out of it! I think having curls throughout the ends give this hairstyle a girly feel and I love the added texture. I have kept my curls in from my hairdo yesterday for this look as I love second day curls. If you want to add cutesy curls too be sure to use your straighteners or some curling tongs/ conical wand for your desired look. If you want bigger curls, remember bigger sections! Smaller curls, smaller sections!

Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

How To Treat Acne

1. How To Treat Acne With Tooth Paste
One thing to note here is the use of toothpaste shaped pasta (such as Pepsodent) instead of the gel form (such as Close Up).Apply toothpaste to acne and other parts around the pimples before sleeping. Let sit overnight / until morning and then rinse with clean water.

1 . Cara Mengobati Jerawat Dengan Tooth Paste

Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan di sini adalah penggunaan pasta gigi berbentuk pasta ( seperti Pepsodent ) bukan bentuk gel ( seperti Close Up ) . Oleskan pasta gigi ke jerawat dan bagian lain di sekitar jerawat sebelum tidur . Biarkan semalaman / sampai pagi kemudian bilas dengan air bersih .

2. How To Treat Acne With Egg Whites

Separate the egg yolks and egg whites take . Whisk briefly and then apply to face and let sit for 15 minutes. The egg white will help reduce the oil on the face which often cause acne.

2 . Cara Mengobati Jerawat Dengan Putih Telur

Pisahkan kuning telur dan putih telur ambil. Kocok sebentar dan kemudian oleskan ke wajah dan diamkan selama 15 menit . Telur putih akan membantu mengurangi minyak di wajah yang seringkali menyebabkan timbulnya jerawat .
3. How To Treat Acne With Aloe Vera

Take a leaf of aloe vera, cut into several pieces, peel the outer skin, apply on the acne that appears, and repeat doing it this way every morning and afternoon. If you are patient enough, acne may be able to dry and flake off for 3 days. Additionally aloe is also capable of removing stubborn acne scars.

3 . Cara Mengobati Jerawat Dengan Lidah Buaya

Ambil daun lidah buaya , potong beberapa bagian, kupas kulit luar , oleskan pada jerawat yang muncul , dan ulangi melakukan cara ini setiap pagi dan sore . Jika Anda cukup sabar , jerawat mungkin dapat kering dan mengelupas selama 3 hari . Selain itu lidah buaya juga mampu menghilangkan bekas jerawat yang membandel .

Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Eye Make-up Tutorial

 1. Apply the eyeliner 

 2. Reapply eyeliner , make sure to draw it thicker than before

 3. Make sure the wing are pointing downwards to create a innocent ,cute look

4. DONE !!!

I hope you like guys >.<