♥ A hairbrush/ tangle teaser
♥ Small hair elastic
♥ Bobby pins
Step One
First of all, use your tangle teaser to smooth out the hair. Sweep all the hair to one side and start splitting into five. This can be a bit tricky so you can either split it in two then four then five or just try and split it equally into five- you might want to grab your mum or a friend to hold the sections for you while you split it!
Step Two
The next step is to start braiding. This isn’t as tricky as it looks and is actually quite simple! Start with the inner section nearest to your face and pass it over the section next to it and then under the middle section so that it becomes the middle section. Now take the outer section and pass it over the nearest section and under the middle one. Repeat this pattern again with the section nearest to your face and vice versa. Once the braid gets started it will become a lot easier to plait- just remember over and under, over and under. When you have no more hair left to braid, tie the braid with a small elastic.
Step Three
The final step is to sort out any loose strands of hair or layers that have fallen out. Use bobby pins to clip fringes and loose layers back. Pull slightly on the braid so that you can see the pretty pattern.